Section outline


      Welcome to the LEARNING ACADEMY, part of Global Hematology and Oncology Pediatric Excellence (HOPE) at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston, Texas. Global HOPE provides care to children with cancer and hematology disorders in Sub-Saharan Africa. 

      This course teaches the principles of Quality Improvement (QI). It is designed to provide health care providers with essential skills that influence quality Improvement in a pediatric hematology and oncology subspecialty.  The QI foundation course focuses on increasing awareness of evidence-based practice and the Institute of Medicine’s definition of quality that includes healthcare that is safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable. The course provides a foundation for understanding quality Improvement as an interdisciplinary approach to improving care. Essential components that support a clinical culture of excellence are emphasized including using the evidence-based practice process. Quality metrics, data collection, and analytic techniques are discussed in relation to QI initiatives.  Materials from the Institute for Health Care Improvement are used throughout the course to provide guidance in developing the QI project.

      Participants must complete a quiz in each Module to proceed to the next Module. Successful completion of the quizzes and participation in course evaluation are the only requirements to receive a course certificate. However, we encourage participants to complete the other exercises and workplan throughout the course. 

      You can also work together in groups if others at your institution are taking the course to develop a workplan for your clinical setting. If instructions are followed, upon completion of the course, participants will have a Quality Improvement Project Workplan that is ready for implementation.


      All content in this course is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Texas Children’s Hospital and the course contributors do not make any express or implied representations or warranties regarding the information contained in this course. The information is not to be used for diagnosing or treating a specific patient and is not a substitute for professional advice from a healthcare provider. There may be different practices throughout the world and participant’s institutional guidelines for nursing care should be followed."


      Please listen to the short video presentation of the course before moving into the first Module. LINK TO VIDEO. It provides an overview of the online course and how you can develop your own Work Plan for an actual QI project.

      1. Review essential attributes of quality Improvement and its role in healthcare systems. 
      2. Analyze a clinical issue that exemplifies quality outcome based care.
      3. Explore critical evidence to improve care for a cancer/hematologic problem. 
      4. Evaluate ways to influence change to improve care quality (how to move change) 
      5. Define key components for measuring practice change and evaluating effectiveness.
    • This QI workbook is from the Department of Health and Human  Services Administration.
        Marilyn J Hockenberry PhD, RN, FAAN
        Professor of Pediatrics, Hematology/Oncology Division 
        Baylor College of Medicine
        Director of Global HOPE Nursing
        Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, Texas

       Karen Gibbs, MSN/MPH, RN, PHNA-BC, CPN
       Instructor, Baylor College of Medicine
       Evidence-Based Practice and Implementation Science   Specialist
       Pediatrics - Hematology & Oncology International
       Global HOPE (Hematology/Oncology Pediatric     Excellence)